Update on Control Valve Project to interconnect RCWSA’s North Water System with Clayton 

Progress is being made on the control valve project to interconnect the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority’s North Water System with the City of Clayton, says Brendan Thompson, General Manager of the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority.  “We have got that project out to bid.  Our bids are due on June 7.  Before that is installed we will be running from test runs and bringing water from the north.  It will be just to see how long we have to run our Northern Plant and see how everything is going before we even put that control valve in.  Once that control valve goes in, we will probably again run our system and make sure that everything is working just right before we look at moving toward our filter rehabilitation at our Lake Rabun Plant.  The control valve was ordered last Wednesday, so it is probably looking at about a 6-8 week time on that.  So, hopefully, all our dominos are falling into place and we will have that project well underway here in the next couple of months.”  Once completed, water from the Little Tennessee Water Treatment Plant would be used to augment the water supply from the Lake Rabun Water Treatment Plant while filters are being rehabilitated as well as provide a secondary source of water for the City of Clayton when necessary.