Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

Today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.  Each year on January 9th, the country and its citizens show support of law enforcement officers for putting their lives on the line every day for their communities.  Clayton Police Chief Andy Strait is proud of his officers and the hard work they do in the city. “The officers here at the Clayton Police Department are more than just officers they’re family!  They do an outstanding job. They’re out here 24/7 making the streets safer and because of them, we have a great town because of their families’ willingness to sacrifice their loved ones to come out here.  It’s a team effort. I cannot begin to describe how much I appreciate what they do for us from patrolling to dealing with the real threats that come through town, and on the side, they are out here educating people through training, classes, and letting them know what we do.  I just can’t even begin to talk about how great they are and I appreciate each and every one of them and all the work they do.” Today during National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, the community is encouraged to thank officers for their service and sacrifice in the communities they protect and serve.