TFS Student Film wins Regional Competition

Two student-filmmakers from Tallulah Falls School (TFS) won the Georgia Independent and Home Schools regional technology competition in the video production category at an event held Jan. 26 at The Weber School.  Senior Samuel Dunlap of Lakemont and junior Junho So of South Korea created a three-minute film showcasing the juxtaposition between the beauty that is revealed in the night sky to what we see lit by the modern-day world, according to faculty sponsor Jennifer Walker.  “Their shots from around the world demonstrated not only their unique perspective but their eye for where true beauty can be found,” Walker said. Walker said the blue ribbon win qualified the talented pair for the state competition set for March 14, at Kennesaw State University.  Photos courtesy of TFS showing, from left, are junior Junho So of South Korea and senior Samuel Dunlap of Lakemont. The pair created a three-minute film showcasing the juxtaposition between the beauty that is revealed in the night sky to what we see lit by the modern-day world, according to faculty sponsor Jennifer Walker.