Tax Deadline Draws Near

According to the IRS, over a million Georgians still needed to file their tax return, as of this past weekend. For those that have yet to file, Local CPA Joel Wise reminds you that time is running short, as the tax deadline draws very near…

“It’s April 15th, which is Wednesday. You need to have it post marked at least by midnight, Wednesday night.”

The IRS does allow for extra time in some cases, Wise says the deadline to file for an extension is the same…

“You can go online at and get the form, and it’s called a 4868, and you can just mail that in as long as it’s post marked(by midnight on Wednesday), or you can e-file it, you can electronically file the extension.”

An extension will give you until October 15th to file your taxes, though the Deadline to pay owed taxes remains April 15th. The IRS says the quickest way to get your return and safest way to protect against identity fraud, is to file your return electronically.