Speed Bumps approved for Jericho Lane

Motorists traveling through the City of Clayton expect to see road construction starting soon on Jericho Lane.  During their regular monthly meeting for April, the Clayton City Council heard a presentation by Zoning Administrator John Bozeman on adding speed bumps to the busy road.  “I’ve been approached by a couple of residents on Jericho Lane while I’ve been over in the area working and they said that they had requested and talked to people before about getting some speed bumps put in.  I think it is probably a good idea due to the high number of children that play in that area, they don’t have much of a yard.  People do fly, just the way the hill is shaped from both sides, there is a lot of traffic through there with the apartments.  I think it will be a good idea.  I think it will be worth the while to do it for the safety of the kids.”  Bozeman explains where each speed bump would be placed.  “One on each side of the big valley there.  I think people gain more speed than even what they realize coming off both sides, so probably on each side of the hill.”  The Clayton City Council unanimously approved the motion that stated the work must be done for less than $1,000 a piece.  The Clayton City Council also agreed with Mayor Jordan Green about delaying second reading on the Short Term Rentals Ordinance.  “I would request that since we’re still doing virtual meetings and we cannot have a public presence that we postpone this second reading until we have true open City Council meetings.”  The Clayton City Council voted unanimously to reschedule the second reading on the Short Term Rentals Ordinance for a future meeting after the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted concerning no more than ten people in a gathering.