South Carolina to honor Georgia Firearm Permits

From WNEG Radio, Toccoa

Georgia and South Carolina are now recognizing each other’s firearms permits.

The state’s Attorney General, Sam Olens, made the official announcement this week.

Legislation initially passed in 1996 allowed Georgia to grant this privilege to citizens of states which recognized Georgia firearms permits.

Last week, a bill signed by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley declared that South Carolina will honor Georgia firearms permits.

Therefore, Olens said that effective immediately Georgia recognizes firearms permits issued by South Carolina.

With this revision, Georgia now reciprocates in recognizing firearms licenses with a total of 31 states, including South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida, Alabama, and Tennessee.
Olens did say that Georgia firearms permit holders should familiarize themselves with the individual requirements and limitations on firearms permits in any of the reciprocating states where they wish to exercise their rights under this reciprocity program.