Sheriff Searching for Solutions to Keep Employees

The Rabun County Sheriff’s Office has seen a large number of turnover with its employees in the last year, losing at least 6 officers, most to other local law enforcement agencies. Sheriff Frank Andrews says he understands why they leave…

“It’s financial. Economic times are very hard, when your having to pay close to $4.00 for a gallon of gasoline, and then groceries have gone up, everything else has gone up. You know when ever someone can find a job that they can make nearly $3.00 more an hour, you know it only makes good common sense that they take those jobs.”

The Sheriff is searching for a solution, but options are limited…

“There’s nothing really that I can do other than, you know, we’re just gonna have to find ways to try to generate a little more revenue for our employees, and that’s gonna be an extremely hard job to perform. Other than that, there’s not a whole lot we can do.”

The County Commissioners are having a survey conducted to see where the office stands on competitive wages.