Service Deliver Strategy Issue Sees Positive Light

One of the bigger issues facing the County today, is the status of the service delivery strategy, which has placed Rabun County in a non-qualified status. Speaking with Brendan Thompson, General Manager of the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority, and he was able to provide an update on the situation following their monthly meeting.

“Probably the one big thing (that was discussed at the meeting) was the approval by the board to allow chairman Sam Beck to sign the service delivery strategy agreement, an intergovernmental agreement that we had with the county. The county is basically turning over its water and sewer service area to the water and sewer authority.”

Thompson also told us that he hopes that this will move the issue in a more positive direction.

“We have been trying to get through that. It’s a big concern of the board, our non qualified status, we are trying very hard to fix that.”

Thompson also says that the water and sewer authority has also tied into the Parkdale sewer, and that waste water has flowing through that unit.