Senators applaud confirmation of Georgian to lead Federal Aviation Administration

U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) applauded the Senate’s confirmation of Stephen Dickson of Atlanta to serve a term of five years as administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. As administrator, Dickson will also serve as chairman of the Air Traffic Services Committee for the U.S. Department of Transportation.  “I applaud the Senate’s vote today and have full confidence in Captain Steve Dickson’s commitment to aviation safety,” said Senator Isakson. “Representing a state that is home to the world’s busiest airport, one of the world’s largest airlines, and manufacturers of business and military aircraft, I’m committed to American aviation. I believe that Captain Dickson’s extensive experience in the industry, including as an F-15 fighter pilot and with Delta Air Lines, will serve him well in this new role.”  “From serving as a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force, to heading up operations for one of the world’s largest airlines, Captain Dickson has extensive experience in the aviation industry,” said Senator Perdue. “He is a capable leader with a proven ability to manage large organizations. At Delta, Captain Dickson worked to improve safety standards, and he is committed to ensuring aviation safety remains the FAA’s top priority. Captain Dickson is the right man for the job, and I know he will continue to make Georgia proud in this new role.”  Isakson, who was not present for the vote as he continues his recovery in Marietta from four fractured ribs suffered last week, previously met with Dickson in Washington, D.C., on May 8 and indicated his support for Dickson’s confirmation in the official Senate record. Perdue joined a majority of senators in voting for Dickson’s confirmation, and the nomination passed by a vote of 52-40. Dickson’s nomination was announced on March 19 and sent to the Senate on April 11. His hearing in the Senate Commerce Committee was held on May 15, and his nomination was advanced by the committee on July 10.  Dickson retired from service as the senior vice president-flight operations for Delta Air Lines where he was responsible for the safety and operational performance of Delta’s global flight operations, as well as pilot training, crew resources, crew scheduling, and regulatory compliance. Dickson has served as chairman of several industry stakeholder groups and federal advisory committees. He is a former U.S Air Force officer, where he instructed students in the T-38 aircraft and later transitioned to the F-15 Eagle, where he became an instructor, flight examiner, and large force employment mission commander. Dickson is a distinguished graduate of the class of 1979 at the U.S. Air Force Academy, as well as a graduate of the Georgia State University College of Law, magna cum laude. He resides with his wife, Janice, in Atlanta.