Rabun County Running Short on Foster Care

Rabun County is in need of foster homes says Director of Communications for DFCS Susan Boatwright…

“One of the things we work really hard to do is to keep a child close to their relatives and in the same school district that their in. Those connections are important. But when we don’t have enough foster homes in that area, then we have to look to, you know, first and foremost having a safe and loving place to put the child. If we don’t have that in the county that they live in then we look to whats the next place that’s available. The 14 children that are in foster care in Rabun that don’t live there, we would love to have them placed in Rabun County, we just have a lack of foster homes there.”

Out of the 26 foster children in Rabun County only 12 remain in Rabun at this time. Susan adds that if you would like to become a foster parent its very simple to start the process, just call 1-877-210-5437. The overall process can take several months to complete.