Rabun County Little League opening day a success

According to Rabun County Little League President Tiffani Cavender, opening day was a huge success and she couldn’t be any happier with the turnout.

“Opening day was a great success. All the teams played, we had two teams come from Habersham to play,” she said. “Overall everything went very smooth and we had no problems. We had a great turnout!”

As far as what Cavender and her team(s) are looking forward to this year, she said hopefully winning some games and traveling.

“We’re probably looking forward to winning some games and just having fun. Some of our older kids play out of the county: we play Madison, Hart, Stephens, and Habersham,” Cavender said. “So we’re looking forward to traveling some, winning some games and just having fun.”

She said a majority of the kids have never played before so hopes the takeaway experience for them is to just learn the game and have a good time.

“A lot of these kids have never played before so this will give them an opportunity to learn the game, work the game and then come back next year and play,” she said.

If you were in attendance of opening game day, then you might have noticed a change according to Cavender.

“We got new uniforms. I’m very impressed with them. I love them, they just kind of represent Rabun County,” she said. “Not that last years didn’t, but these are just a little bit nicer and updated.”

Cavender said for any parents of little leaguers, her greatest tip of advice is to just let the kids have fun.

“The kids are kids, they are going to make mistakes and they are going to swing at the wrong pitch,” she said. “Overall, just let the Umphs do their job, the coaches do their jobs as well. Just sit back and watch your kids have fun.”