Rabun County Commission Hears from the Public Concerning FY Budget

Budget hearings for Rabun County are in their final stages, as the public comment portion of the hearings was held last Thursday. A few members of the Rabun County community spoke before the commission with concerns and questions about the budget, including how each dollar would be spent.

We spoke with Rabun County Commission Chairman Greg James following the meeting, and he says that he appreciates the public’s comment on these matters.

“It is a part of the legal process, I think it’s a great process quite frankly.” James said following Thursday’s hearing, “that’s why that we have these hearings, so that we can hear comments, and get ideas or suggestions from the public.  We don’t necessarily know everything, we work really hard to try to pull all the parts together that are involved with the budget process. It’s always good to have another prospective.”

James did mention cuts would be made to this year’s budget, there is $700,000 less this budget year than last.

Budget information can be found on the county’s website, rabuncounty.ga.gov.