Rabun County Board of Commissioners Pass Two New Fees

The Rabun County Board of Commissioners held their December meeting last Tuesday, where only two items were up for discussion. One of those, a proposal to add two new environmental health fees, concerning portable sanitation and septic removal. Commissioner Stephen Arbiter describes the fees further.

“One of the fees is for the vehicles that pump and transport would be $100 annually for a permit. It will be good for the entire state.” Says Arbiter, “The other, is for the other porta potties and whatnot that need to be inspected.”

Arbiter states that he usually is not a fan of adding new fees, but believes that this new fee is needed.

“I’m thinking, in this case, it will make sure that those who we have doing it that we know are fantastic at what they do, give confidence in that system.”

The two new fees for public sanitation and septic removal, totalling $100 each, passed unanimously.