Rabun Co. Sheriff’s Office hosts Northeast Traffic Enforcement Network 

The Rabun County Sheriff’s Office hosted the August Northeast Traffic Enforcement Network (NETEN) Meeting in the cafeteria of Rabun County High School on Thursday. These monthly meetings bring networking opportunities between agencies in the northeast corner of the state, tells Rabun County Sheriff Chad Nichols. 

“The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety created these traffic enforcement networks many years ago and we are in the northeast corner of the state, so we fall in the NETEN. Basically, it is just a monthly meeting where all the agencies from the northeast corner of the state get together and talk about different highway safety topics and issues that may be going on in their area.  So, in August, we volunteered to host this meeting and had around 50 people there. The school system allowed us to have it in their new cafeteria that just opened, I think, last school year. So, just a great venue to be able to use. We had Gus McDonald from the McDonald & Cody Law Firm down in Baldwin, and Sam Swagger that is also in his office talked about a couple of different topics that had to do with security and some DUI stuff.  Then we had Greg Willis from the Willis Law Firm came and talked about implied consent. He actually was the defense attorney responsible for the implied consent notice being changed in the State of Georgia and he gave us a little run down about that and some general DUI stuff as far as what they look for. It was kind of a neat perspective because usually, we don’t get a defense attorney’s side, but of course, I’m sure they didn’t tell us all their tricks.  So, I think it was great and I would like to thank those two law firms for coming up and talking with everybody. If anybody has any highway safety or traffic safety-related questions, they can visit www.gahighwaysafety.org that is the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety website and it is full of all kinds of traffic safety-related topics, information, and laws.  So, we were glad to host it and glad to network with all these other agencies in our area.” Along with networking these meetings provide officers, troopers, and deputies with training on various traffic safety issues.