Prepare Your Vehicle for Seasonal Changes

October is Car Care Month, an ideal time to remind motorists that seasonal changes can have an adverse effect on a vehicle’s performance. AAA recommends as the weather cools, motorists should complete a seasonal vehicle checkup to maintain safety and maximize efficiency.  “It is important that motorists keep their vehicles operating safely,” said Montrae Waiters, spokeswoman, AAA–The Auto Club Group. “Neglecting routine maintenance can damage your vehicle and leave you stranded on the side of the road with an unexpected repair bill.” A professional and thorough maintenance inspection can help reduce the chance of a serious breakdown. If a car does end up at a repair shop, motorists can expect to spend anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars to get back on the road. AAA recommends that motorists use a simple checklist to determine their car’s fall maintenance needs.  Have the battery and charging system tested by a trained technician. A fully charged battery in good condition is required to start an engine in cold weather. Inspect cooling system hoses for leaks, cracks or loose clamps. Also, squeeze the hoses and replace any that are brittle or excessively spongy feeling. Replace any tire that has less than 3/32-inches of tread. Uneven tire wear can indicate alignment, wheel balance or suspension problems that must be addressed to prevent further tire damage. Check tire inflation pressure. As the average temperature drops, so will tire pressures, typically by 1 PSI for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit. The proper tire pressure levels can be in the owner’s manual or on a sticker typically located on the driver’s side door jamb. Also, check the spare.  Check the engine air filter by holding it up to a 60-watt light bulb. If light can be seen through much of the filter, it is still clean enough to work effectively. However, if the light is blocked, replace it. Check the coolant level in the overflow tank when the engine is cold. If the level is low, add a 50/50 solution of coolant and water to maintain the necessary antifreeze capability. Test the antifreeze protection level with an inexpensive tester. Check the operation of all headlights, tail lights, brake lights, turn signals, emergency flashers, and back-up lights. Replace any burnt-out bulbs. Wiper blades should completely clear the glass with each swipe. Replace any blade that leaves streaks or misses spots. A dirty windshield causes eye fatigue and can pose a safety hazard. Make sure you fill the windshield washer fluid reservoir.  If there is any indication of a brake problem have the system inspected by a certified technician. Check all fluids (transmission, brake and power steering fluids) to ensure they are at or above the minimum safe levels. Carry an emergency kit equipped for winter weather. Make sure to include a charged cellular phone, blankets, food, water, and any needed medication. The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second-largest AAA club in North America. ACG and its affiliates provide membership, insurance, financial services and travel offerings to over 9.9 million members across eleven states and two U.S. territories including Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; most of Illinois and Minnesota; and a portion of Indiana. ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with more than 60 million members in the United States and Canada and whose mission includes protecting and advancing freedom of mobility and improving traffic safety. Visit AAA on the Internet at