New Value of Clayton’s Water and Sewer System

In Tuesday Night’s Clayton City Council meeting new numbers on the value of the water and sewer system were given By Lee Robertshaw who was brought on by the city to determine the current value of the system…

“So now I come to this summary. I’ve got the newest value for land, what the water system’s worth, the waste water system, what would be going on the books if we had included everything that was given to us, and everything that’s on our maps where we have invested money, and that becomes ours. So there’s the number I came up with, 24 million dollars.”

The 24 million would be if the system was brand new, it is not. Mr Robertshaw also gave a value of the system in its current condition…

“Then I also summarize what I put on as a condition value, and that number came to 8.2 million dollars.”

The Clayton City Council will now take the new number of 8.2 million into account and attempt to agree on a counter offer to send back to the County during the next city council meeting.