More Tax Increases for Rabun County

After a third public hearing, the Rabun County Commissioners held a special called meeting in which they did approve an increase to the millage rate. Debbie Jacobs explains the changes…

“Right now, currently the unincorporated is 7.77, and that will be going to 9.29. The incorporated last year was 8.17, and it will also be going to 9.29. The commissioners this year not rollback our insurance tax premiums, the money that we receive from that is going to go towards funding the Fire Department exclusively. We feel like it’s going to make a more level playing field; all tax payers in the county, whether incorporated or unincorporated will be paying the same millage rate.

 This becomes the first millage rate increase by County Commissioners since 2006, when the rate was raised to 9.98. The increase will still hold Rabun County to the third lowest mil rate in the State of Georgia.