LIHEAP Backed Up

The local Ninth District office has gotten backed up with the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP this winter says Community Resource Coordinator Brandie Potts…

“We open it up to the elderly in November, so we book as much as we can to take care of the elderly quickly. We usually get that done by December, but this year we new it was delayed with us getting our funding.”

A larger number of applicants has also helped cause the backup. The program is now open to the general public but is booked through the beginning of February. Potts says there’s a waiting list the public can be put on…

“Right now we’re doing waiting list only. I’m afraid to close the program and then we’ll be surprised, and the government will turn around and give us more money. So this time I’m just keeping it open and I’m going to continue to take a waiting list.”

Potts is unsure of how many on the waiting list will get help due to a possible 10% cut in funds from last year to this year.