Hall intends to ask for Recount 

Stacy Hall, a candidate for State Senate District 50, intends to ask for a recount.  “First, I want to thank the 12,448 Northeast Georgians who cast their vote for me in the State Senate District 50 runoff. I remain grateful and humbled. With nearly 25,000 total votes cast and only 0.16% difference between the two candidates, it’s reasonable and prudent to request a recount so that all parties involved can be confident in the final count,” said Hall. Per O.C.G.A. § 21-2-495 if the difference between two candidates in a runoff is not more than one-half of 1 percent of the total votes cast, a candidate shall have the right to a recount of the votes cast. Such a request must be made in writing to the Secretary of State’s Office within two business days following the State’s Certification of the election. “Now that the counties have certified their results, my intent is to request a recount as soon as the state certifies the election,” said Hall. “This has been a very long election for everyone and I have no desire to drag it out, but with only 40 votes separating us out of nearly 25,000, I think a recount is wise so we can move forward confidently. I appreciate the patience of everyone in the district as we work to ensure confidence in the final results.”