Habersham EMC Warns Customers of Impostors

Many times this season, customers find themselves victims of scams. Whether it be a telephone scam asking for a credit card number, or a business that they have shopped and trusted for years charging outrageous and unnecessary prices for their goods, many people fall victim to such scams.

Customers of Habersham Electric Membership Cooperative have reported that suspicious men have visited homes to read meters, claiming to be from the Habersham EMC, when they in fact, are not. Reports claim that these men claiming to be from Habersham EMC are driving unmarked vehicles. Nicole Dover of Habersham EMC says that all HEMC vehicles are marked, and that all employees have specific uniforms, and carry a photo ID at all times.

If you suspect suspicious activity concerning someone claiming to be from the Habersham EMC, do not open the door, and call 911 immediately.