Georgia kicks off College Savings Month Sweepstakes 

Georgia is once again joining states across the nation to promote the importance of saving for college by declaring September College Savings Month. In recognition of this proclamation and to further draw a spotlight on the need for families to make a financial plan for college, the Path2College 529 Plan, Georgia’s college savings plan, kicked-off The Path2College Sweepstakes.  The online sweepstakes will award eight Georgia children from across the state with a $1,529 Path2College 529 Plan contribution. A winner from each region in Georgia will be randomly selected from the entries. Regions include Southwest Georgia, Metro Atlanta, Eastern Georgia, Western Georgia, Middle Georgia, Southeast Georgia, South Georgia, and North Georgia. “Education is one of the most important and biggest investments that people make, and we want to ensure that families understand the resources the state has made available to help them achieve their financial goals,” said Caylee Noggle, president of the Georgia Student Finance Commission, which partners with the Office of the State Treasurer to administer the Path2College 529 Plan for the state of Georgia. “Our hope is that as families enter the sweepstakes online, they also take a few minutes to learn about the plan, calculate how much they can save, and start a financial plan towards the cost of a higher education. ”  Parents, legal guardians, and grandparents who are at least 21 years of age and a Georgia resident can enter a child age 18 or under who is a Georgia resident in the sweepstakes. To enter the sweepstakes, fill out the entry form on by November 1, 2019. For official rules and more information, visit