First Chance to Vote on Sales Tax Coming Up

Your first chance to vote on the 1% Educational SPLOST sales tax in Rabun County is just around the corner, says Rabun County Elections Supervisor Tammy Whitmire…

“Early voting will begin February the 23rd, we’ll start out bright and early, 8:00 til 5:oo, Monday thru Friday, all the way til March 13th.”

All you will need to bring with you to vote is a photo ID, absentee ballots are also now available…

“Absentee ballots will also be mailed out on Monday, so you can go ahead and request an absentee ballot. You can do that by calling the office, 706-782-1878, or email me, [email protected].”

The Elections Office is located on Jo Dotson Cir, next to the Civic Center.