Fire results in Heavy Damage to Home outside Mt. Airy

No one was hurt in a Saturday afternoon fire on Dicks Hill Parkway outside Mt. Airy. Habersham County Emergency Services units were paged to a reported chimney fire with flames showing at 2:13pm. Habersham County Station 14 and Station 9, along with Clarkesville Fire Department Station 3, responded to the fire in the wood frame home at 7958 Dicks Hill Parkway. The initial report was that the occupant was still inside the burning home but both he and his dog were able to escape unharmed. Lt. Mark Gerrin of Habersham County Emergency Services, incident commander, said the fire was particularly difficult to extinguish due to multiple roof systems and a very tight driveway. The tongue and groove ceiling first was topped by shingles then tin, meaning when the fire got into the roof area firefighters had to cut to get water to the flames. Firefighters stretched 500 feet of five-inch supply hose from the hydrant across the road at Shadow Walk and another 400 feet of three-inch hose to battle the fire. Stephens County Fire Services was requested for manpower and sent three trucks and about a half-dozen personnel. As a result, Dicks Hill Parkway was shut down, initially by units from Habersham County Sheriff’s Office then later by fire units. Fire spread to much of the roof system, and the home sustained water damage as well, Gerrin said. Firefighters remained on scene for an extended time overhauling the fire to make sure it was fully extinguished. The American Red Cross was called to assist the resident.