Fire Pits are Fun but also Dangerous

Many people will be gathering around fire pits to enjoy family and friends this fall.  While fire pits are fun, they can also be dangerous, says Rabun County Assistant Fire Chief Justin Upchurch.  “They’re an enjoyable thing but like anything when dealing with anything fire-related they can be dangerous.  So, just a few helpful hints.  Only use them outdoors at least 10 feet from anything that can burn.  Place it on a surface that is level and that will not catch on fire, such as patio blocks, bricks, concrete, or pavement.  Clear the area around fire pits of any fall risks, including any uneven ground, rocks, or sticks that could hang over.  Don’t want anybody tripping or falling into it as they walk around it once it starts to get dark.  Keep it away from any kind of siding, decks, deck railings, or any kind of vegetation and out from under the eves of your house or any kind of overhanging branches or structures.  If you have a wood-burning fire pit, which most of them are, there are some gas ones out there, but burn only clean dry hardwood that has been seasoned.  Never use lighter fluid or gasoline to start or relit a fire in a fire pit.  Keep your children and pets away from it.  Try to have a 3-foot kid-free zone around the pit.  Arrange your chairs out of the way of the pit also, you don’t want anybody to get burned or anything from any kind of sparks or embers that come out of it.  Never leave it unattended, this goes for any kind of outdoor fire, never leave it unattended even for a short time.  Follow the fire pit manufacturer’s instructions for putting out the fire and make sure to put out the fire completely when you are done.  For the wood-burning fire pits, dispose of ashes after they have cooled.  Empty them into a metal container with a tight-fitting lid that is used only for the ashes and place the container away from anything that can burn.  Never empty your ashes directly into a trash can or a plastic pail or anything that could catch or fire.  And then if you do have a gas fire pit, be sure to turn off the fuel source, turn off the propane fuel source or your natural gas; however, you have it, after use, to keep any gas from leaking or anything from happening unintentionally.” Please follow this safety advice about fire pits from the Rabun County Fire Department.