Ferguson resigns from HEMC Board of Directors

Jeff Ferguson, Chairman, Habersham EMC Board of Directors, announced his resignation at the close of today’s monthly board meeting. Ferguson cited his growing business and time demands in his resignation: After careful consideration, I have decided to resign from my position on the Board of Directors of Habersham EMC. I feel that anyone who serves in this role should be able to dedicate hours of time and energy toward the needs of the members, employees and cooperative. Since elected in 2008, I have dedicated as much of my time as possible toward the EMC. However, as my business has grown and expanded, I find that I no longer have adequate time to devote to this role. I want to thank the members, who elected me, for the opportunity to serve them over these past years. I have made friends that will last a lifetime and have been proud to serve with my fellow board members and work with the employees that make this co-op great. I wish you all the best. Thank you, Jeff Ferguson The Board elected David Wall as the new Chairman and Dustin Hulsey as the new Vice-Chairman (to fill Wall’s position). Billy Cantrell remains Secretary-Treasurer. A search committee has been formed to identify and appoint a director for the East District to fill the immediate vacancy on the Board. The position will be up for election at the July 16, 2020, Annual Meeting. Whomever is elected for the district at the Annual Meeting will fulfill Ferguson’s unexpired term. HEMC members will be able to vote for two (2) Central District directors, one (1) East District director and one (1) North District director at the 2020 Annual Meeting.