Early Preview Scheduled for Coopers Creek Watershed

The Forest Service is providing the public with an early preview of the draft analysis, proposed plans and maps for the Coopers Creek Watershed project in Union County. For more than five years, analysis has been conducted in the watershed to determine its condition and health. Currently, six of seven ecosystems within the 29,600 acre project area are more than 50 percent departed from healthy forest conditions.  Additionally, less than one percent of the project area has the young forest essential for songbirds, deer, wild turkey and ruffed grouse.

Key modified proposed action information:

  • Prescribed fire is planned on an average of 2-4 thousand acres every year over ten years to help restore historic conditions and oak stands in the forest.
  • There is no ‘clear cutting’ whatsoever and more than 90 percent of the project area would see no thinning at all.
  • Young, open forest would be established across the project area to create essential habitat for songbirds, ruffed grouse, wild turkey, and other wildlife.

In accordance with federal regulations, the Forest Service will offer a 30-day formal comment period on the draft Environmental Analysis, which will begin with a legal notice published in the paper(s) of record. The legal notices are expected to be published during the week of January 4, 2016.