DUI’s Sound Like a Broken Record

According to Acting Clayton Police Chief Andy Strait, July’s monthly Clayton PD report to the City Council, presented record breaking numbers…

 “Well the record was for DUI enforcement for a whole month. The old record stood at 14 DUI’s for a whole month for the City of Clayton, which is actually pretty high. Our new enforcement record is now 17, and it comes from, just really hard work from these officers here.”
Strait says that summer is a time were DUI’s are typically a bit higher than other times of the year, but the record is more a testament of a cohesive group of Officers on the force, and not an uptick in drunk driving…
“I’m proud of these officers, they do a great job each and everyday, and this is just a reflection of their character and professionalism.”
Strait added that very few of those DUI arrests were on the night of The Clayton Crawl.