Dillard Man Sentenced to Life in Prison for Rape

An Emotional Dominguez Receives His Sentence

An Emotional Dominguez Receives His Sentence

20 year old Alexis Dominguez, charged with the rape of a small child on August 1st in Dillard, plead guilty to all charges today in the Habersham County Courthouse. Dominguez who does not speak English, was represented by Public Defender Drew Powell…

“As you can see, he’s very emotional about this. Your Honor, he was very upfront with me from the very beginning, admitting to me what he did and his desire to take care of the case. We’re asking you to accept the plea as negotiated, and asking Your Honor to understand that we did attempt to get a lower sentence, the State was not willing to go lower than the life imprisonment, and we’re asking the court to accept the plea as negotiated.”

The case was seen by the Honorable Judge Chan Caudell…

“This court finds this crime to be particularly hideous, and Mr. Powell I will add, had the State suggested less, this court would not have accepted any plea agreement.” Powell then replied, “Yes sir I understand.” With Judge Caudell finishing,”The court will accept the negotiated plea agreement, and sentence you to life in prison with the possibility of parole.”

Domingues will be allowed to apply for Lifetime Parole after serving a minimum of 30 years in prison. We will bring you comments from District Attorney Brian Rickman about the case Tomorrow.