Dead Tree to See New Life

R.K. Harnimn aka "Tree"

R.K. Harnimn aka “Tree”

A dead 120 ft White pine near Star Mountain will see new life in the way of art. The tree was taken down this morning and transported to Goats on the Roof, where 3 time World Champion Tree Carver, R.K. Harnimn otherwise know as “Tree” will turn it into a masterpiece…

“The physical carving that’s going to go out to Lake Burton; probably about 8 to 10 feet. Then the rest of the tree will all be carved into other things and stuff like that, you know,

Thor prepares to take down the 120ft White Pine

Thor prepares to take down the 120 ft White Pine

just don’t waste the tree.”

And what will the carving be of…

“We’re talking to some people out there, to see what kind of thing might be a proper thing, but for now we’re talking bear holding a fish.”

Tree will being doing the carving at Goats on the Roof, on display to the public.