Dangerous Flu Season in Georgia

Over 1,000 people have been hospitalized and 31 people have died due to the flu this season in Georgia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  The flu is especially dangerous for children, the elderly, pregnant women, and individuals with chronic conditions, and it’s important for everyone to help ensure their families, coworkers, and community stay safe and healthy. With the most active months of flu season still ahead, here are some steps you can take to help prevent the flu.  Get vaccinated. According to the CDC, everyone 6 months of age and older should be vaccinated every year. Ensure working people have paid time to recover. If you’re sick, stay home. While it may seem like you are helping your boss or coworkers by working through illness, in reality you’re putting yourself and your colleagues at risk. Rest and seek treatment.  The CDC recommends not going out for at least 24 hours after your fever has gone away, with the exception of seeking medical care.