Cornelia Woman killed in Fire

The Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner John F. King announces that a Habersham County woman was found dead in a structure fire around 2pm on Monday, October 19. The fire occurred at 1689 Heads Ferry Road in Cornelia.  When Habersham County officials arrived at the scene, the 22-year-old, 4,367-square-foot home had been enveloped in flames. Eyewitnesses say that the fire started on the home’s main level. Cynthia Claybon, 64, was renting the residence and her body was found in the fire debris of the basement area. Upon further investigation, Habersham County officials discovered that she had been in a second-floor bedroom at the time of the fire.  “We are thankful for the bravery and hard work shown by Habersham County officials in this case,” said Commissioner King. “Because the home was on a hillside, the Habersham County Fire Department had to hand pull their lines to extinguish the fire.”  Commissioner King’s State Fire Investigations Unit will continue assisting the Habersham County Fire Department and Habersham County Sheriff’s Office in this case. All authorities ask for prayers for the victim’s loved ones.  This death marks the 66th fire fatality in Georgia in 2020.