Collins statement on H.R. 4018 Markup

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, made the following opening statement at today’s markup of H.R. 4018.  Ranking Member Collins said, “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Last year, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and I led the way in drafting and shepherding through Congress the First Step Act — historic criminal justice reform legislation. Attorney General Barr has repeatedly stated his intent to fully implement the provisions of this law.  Our job as legislators in this space is twofold: to conduct oversight to ensure the First Step Act is responsibly implemented and to address issues in that implementation. H.R. 4018, of which I am the lead Republican cosponsor, addresses one such issue. This bill would allow the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to transfer eligible elderly offenders from BOP facilities into home confinement when they have reached 60 years of age and served two-thirds of the term of imprisonment to which they were sentenced.  This is a good bill that will promote fairness in the implementation of Good Conduct Time, as reformed in the First Step Act, and ensure our prisons do not become nursing homes. I believe strongly that, if we do not ensure this act works, we will lose credibility with the American people and any future efforts to reform our criminal justice system will fail. I support this legislation and urge my colleagues to do the same.”