Collins says Nothing has Changed

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, released the following statement regarding the most recent claims that the House is beginning an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.  Rep. Collins said, “Today the Speaker of the House issued a false and feeble decree. Today isn’t what impeachment looks like, and this afternoon’s press conference changes nothing legally. There has been no House vote to authorize a formal impeachment inquiry. If Democrats believed the facts were in their favor, they would provide the due process that the House provided under the Clinton and Nixon impeachments. No matter how many Democrats subscribe to the fantasy that the House began an impeachment inquiry—whether in March, July, August or September—neither Chairman Nadler nor Speaker Pelosi have unilateral authority to launch one.  This is the first partisan ‘impeachment’ in the history of the republic, and the real victims are the American people. They elected Donald Trump to be our president and their representatives to solve the border crisis and support a growing economy. Instead of accepting those facts, Democrats are sowing chaos, not producing legislative solutions. The chaos began in the Judiciary Committee, and now it’s seeping into the rest of the House.”