Clayton Puts the “Giving” into Thanksgiving

The City of Clayton will be giving back to the community this Friday, says City Manager Cissy Henry…

“This is our Community Thanksgiving. This is where we get a chance to give back to our residents. For those who have very little family or no family and their shut in, we can bring out a plate to you at your house, or you can come here and join us between 11 and 3.”

There will be plenty of opportunity to lend a helping hand…

“We have a lot of community support on this. We have people who donate food, people who come over and help us cook the food, and deliver the food. So if you want to come in and be a part of this fellowship, just come on over and we’ll give you a job to do.”

If you would like to volunteer or know someone who could use a hot meal just call The Clayton City Hall.