Clayton Discusses Tiger Sewer Rates

Following a suit that concluded in mid February, the city of Clayton discusses what will be the sewer rate for the town of Tiger.

In that suit, the judge ruled that Tiger could not pay less than the cost of the administrative fees per sewer bill, and the jury ruled that Tiger was paying less than the cost of treating the sewage.

At the Clayton City Council’s work session Tuesday afternoon, City Manager Cissy Henry outlines some proposed new rates.

“We’ve got the rate set at $2.00 per bill, I think the actual $1.98 per bill, but we just evened it out at $2.00. And then the cost per thousand gallons is $4.63.”

City Attorney Mitch Baker says that rate was determined to be cost during the trial.

The Council would need to vote on those rates at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday.