Clayton Council suspends Dining at Restaurants

Starting on Wednesday, March 25, 2020, and running for at least two weeks, the Clayton City Council is suspending dining at restaurants due to the Coronavirus or COVID-19.  At a special called meeting Monday morning, Clayton Mayor Jordan Green and the City Council unanimously approved a state of emergency declaration. “What we are trying to do is avoid further mandates that either come from the state or on the federal level.  Not a lot of people have listened to the President’s guidelines about how we can flatten the curve. This is where we have chosen to start to help get people to understand that you need to follow those guidelines so that we don’t have worse sanctions that come from an authority higher than us that we can’t do anything about.”  Customers can still purchase alcohol at restaurants offering drive-thru service.  The Clayton City Council is also limiting the number of customers allowed in businesses, tells Mayor Green.  “A requirement for businesses inside in the City of Clayton to allow only the number of people that could fit at 1 person per 100 square feet inside their store minus their existing employees.”  Also included in the state of emergency, the City of Clayton will hold future meetings online while the Coronavirus is still a threat to the public’s health.