Clayton City Council To Vote on Proposed Sign Ordinance Change Next Week

The monthly work session for the Clayton City Council was held earlier this week. While the agenda was rather brief, there was one item on the agenda that has been up for discussion for some time now, the sign ordinance. Clayton City Marshal Scott Crane says the options that the city council had when discussing possible changes to the ordinance, were keeping it the same, a brand new ordinance, or amending the current sign ordinance.

Before the meeting, a handful of business owners took part in a public comment session. Following the session, Crane tells us that the council has decided to amend the current ordinance. The change will be with off-site billboards, which states that an off-site billboard is not allowed on a piece of property, if there are currently two signs on said property.

The Clayton City Council will vote on this during their July meeting, which will be held next Tuesday at 4PM.