CDC releases Obesity Prevalence Maps

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released new Obesity Prevalence Maps that show in 2018, nine states reported an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35%.  Those states are Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, and West Virginia. The maps break down adult obesity prevalence by race, ethnicity, and location-based on self-reported height and weight data.  Adults with obesity are at increased risk for many serious health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and poorer mental health. Obesity costs the United States healthcare system over $147 billion a year. In addition, research has shown that obesity affects work productivity and military readiness.  These maps help by showing where the burden of obesity is greatest. Factors like neighborhood design; access to healthy, affordable foods and beverages; and access to safe and convenient places for physical activity can all impact obesity. The CDC works 24/7 protecting America’s health, safety and security.