Business Park Has Leaks

The Rabun Business park may have major problems with its fire protection system says Ray Coulombe….

“We’ve had two recent incidents where the sprinklers heads didn’t fail but the pipes themselves were leaking. We had two incidents a week apart, one caused damage and one was caught in time where it didn’t do damage.”

Mr. Coulombe said they may already know the cause of the problems….

“The water supply for our fire protection system is the processed water plant, so we’re using not domestic water which is chlorinated and a lot cleaner, but we’re using the processed water that’s apparently the root cause of the corrosion problems we’re experiencing.”

Treatment of the water system on the north side of the building could cost 19,000 dollars and up to 190,000 for the whole business park. The solution might be to replace all the pipes in the system which could be too thin for the water type.