Bill that Collins authors is passed

Last week, the House Judiciary Committee marked up H.R. 2137, the Federal Law Enforcement Self Defense and Protection Act. The bill passed the committee by a voice vote. Congressman Collins, who authored the bill, said after the vote:

“Ensuring that federal law enforcement officers have the tools they need to defend themselves is critical to protecting them from the threats they face every day. As the son of a Georgia State Trooper, I recognize that law enforcement can face threats on or off duty. I introduced this legislation to ensure that there is a consistent federal policy governing officers’ ability to protect themselves—regardless of their duty status.”

He also added: “Those who would seek to cause chaos may even take advantage of an opportunity for crime knowing that law enforcement is temporarily weakened. Officers make a commitment to protect and serve, and this legislation will clarify federal policy to ensure they can defend themselves and the public in event of a furlough or a lapse in appropriations..”