Are You Safe From a Natural Disaster

In light of the recent natural disaster the Red Cross is being flooded with calls about those who want to help says Executive Director of the Northeast Georgia Chapter of the Red Cross Joni Smith. Many want to donate old clothing and housewares. While the intent is a great one the logistics of getting items to those in need from here is just not practical says Smith…

“The best thing they can do is to prepare their household, and prepare themselves. Definitely donations to organizations that are assisting those individuals is needed. We encourage people just to have a yard sell and donate the money cause then it can be used for exactly whats needed. The one thing is people need to use this time to ready their families, get a disaster kit planed, talk about if this tornado was to come through here do we have a family plan.”

To help prepare your family the Red Cross is offering discounts this Holiday season on all their safety and first aid classes. For more info or to donate go to