Agenda set for Clayton City Council Meeting

The agenda is set for the Clayton City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 21, 2020, at 4pm in the courtroom and online.  Carol Smiling with Parents of the 2020 Senior Class will make a presentation on a celebration parade and banners when permitted.  The council will hear the second reading of a Short Term Rentals Ordinance; however, Mayor Jordan Green has suggested to wait until a true public meeting can be held.  SPLOST funds to purchase equipment and a vehicle will be discussed. The addition of speed bumps to Jericho Lane will be considered. The 2020 WSA long term monitoring by EMI, a contract with the Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority, appointments to the Ethics Board, procedures, protocols, and training for the Ethics Committee, wholesale water rate increase of no greater than 3%, fireworks in Clayton will be discussed.  In addition, the council will hear the monthly water and sewer status report, wastewater plant monthly report, ad valorem delinquent report, police department monthly report, financial status, Rabun County Water and Sewer Authority update, Downtown Development Authority update, sewer ordinance for industry update and Rabun County Board of Education sewer rates for 2020-2021. The meeting will be live-streamed on the City’s Facebook page.