Advisory from City of Clayton about COVID-19

The City of Clayton appreciates the flexibility and general concern for public welfare illustrated by its citizens and businesses over the last few weeks. Governor Kemp recently reiterated to Georgia’s municipalities the importance for local governments to cooperate in helping to inform the public and provide for the general public well-being. Governor Kemp specifically requested that we continue to support our local small businesses amidst the economic upheaval caused by COVID-19 and the preventative measures taken within our state and nation. As city officials, we appreciate the steps taken by many of our local businesses, including efforts to reduce the congregation of groups of people larger than ten and to provide for higher levels of sanitation and cleanliness in and around businesses.  In order to help promote public welfare and prevent potential exposure to and spread of COVID-19, the City of Clayton strongly encourages its citizens, businesses, and any visitors to the community to adhere to the following guidelines. Please take the general health measures of frequently washing hands vigorously using soap and hot water (use hand sanitizers with 60% or more alcohol as a substitute). Regularly clean commonly used surfaces in publicly accessible areas. Be mindful of touching your face and of not coughing into your hand but rather into your sleeves or collar as best practices. If you are feeling ill or exhibiting a fever, please make all efforts to stay home and refrain from public places or contact. Please limit all gatherings to under ten people. Please avoid close proximity to other persons and limit physical contact as much as possible.  The City of Clayton specifically recognizes and appreciates the steps taken by many of its local restaurants in encouraging diners to participate in drive-through only or take-out consumption of their food. In furtherance of this, the City of Clayton encourages all restaurants to consider the following suggested measures. Eliminate some of their regular seating in order to provide for further space between any dining tables within their facility and lesson the number of patrons permitted to dine at one time. Advertise, promote, and encourage take-out or drive-through options for their customers. Limit the gathering of patrons in waiting areas prior to seating. We encourage our businesses to use their creativity in implementing practices that would allow customers to wait in their cars and perhaps receive a phone call or text when a table is ready, or to otherwise limit contact for those patrons who would seek to dine in their restaurants.  Use as many disposable items as possible when serving food and reduce the use of such common items as salt and pepper shakers and other items that would be utilized by many patrons. Once again, the City of Clayton encourages all of its citizens, guests, and business owners to pay close attention to those recommendations and mandates being issued by the State of Georgia and the United States and to follow those recommended procedures and practices closely when conducting themselves in public spaces within the city limits. Our concern is not just for ourselves and our businesses, but also for those who are the most vulnerable amongst us.