AAA urges Caution on the Roads this Labor Day

The Labor Day holiday weekend marks the unofficial end of summer vacation season and is one of the most traveled weekends during the summer – third behind Independence Day and Memorial Day. This year, as gas prices continue to drop, millions of motorists will hit the roads for the holiday weekend. As drivers set out on that last road trip of the summer, AAA is urging motorists to avoid speeding, distractions and driving impaired; additionally, drivers and all passengers should be buckled up.  The majority of traffic crashes can be prevented. According to NHTSA data, in 2017 impaired driving accounted for just under one-third of all traffic fatalities. While speeding-related fatalities declined in 2017, it still accounted for over one-fourth of all crash fatalities. Passengers failing to buckle up and distractions lead to fatalities as well.  “With greater numbers of drivers expected on the roadways, it’s crucial for motorists to make safe and responsible decisions when getting behind the wheel,” said Seth Andrews, Tennessee Government & Public Relations Consultant, AAA – The Auto Club Group. AAA offers these tips for safer travel. Plan ahead. Make sure your vehicle has been properly serviced. If you are unfamiliar with how to get to your destination, program your navigation ahead of time, don’t wait until you’re already on the road to program your GPS. Make sure the battery on your phone is completely charged and have a charger in case of an emergency. Have an emergency roadside kit in your vehicle.  Leave early. AAA encourages drivers who have the flexibility to travel during off-peak hours. Based on prior holiday trends, we know that Friday afternoons are busy days to travel. Traffic is also expected to be heavy late Monday afternoon. Be patient. Follow the rules of the road as there will be more motorists on the roadways than usual, with many in unfamiliar areas. Stay alert, be sure to have a good night’s sleep before getting behind the wheel of your vehicle. If you’re feeling drowsy, pull off to a safe location and take a nap. Eliminate distractions. Avoid distractions like texting while driving or reading a text while driving. If you must respond to a text or a phone call, pull off to a safe location. Research shows that taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your chances of getting into a crash.  Buckle up: Make sure all passengers are buckled up no matter the seat they occupy in the car. This simple action can save lives should you get into a crash. “Take your time, plan ahead and be extra alert to make sure you and your passengers stay safe while out on the roads. If drivers follow these simple rules when it comes to traveling during the holiday weekend, we can reduce or even eliminate unnecessary crashes while avoiding injury or death,” continues Andrews. The Auto Club Group (ACG) is the second-largest AAA club in North America. ACG and its affiliates provide membership, insurance, financial services and travel offerings to over 9.9 million members across eleven states and two U.S. territories including Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands; most of Illinois and Minnesota; and a portion of Indiana. ACG belongs to the national AAA federation with more than 59 million members in the United States and Canada and whose mission includes protecting and advancing freedom of mobility and improving traffic safety. Motorists can map a route, identify gas prices, find discounts, book a hotel, and access AAA roadside assistance with the AAA Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and Android.  Visit AAA on the Internet at