A Film Shot in Rabun County Released this Weekend

A movie premiered this weekend that was partially filmed in Rabun County.

Lawless, a film about bootlegging brothers during the prohibition era, features about six shots that were, without a doubt, filmed in Rabun County.

Pete Cleaveland with the Convention and Visitor’s Bureau described one of those shots.

“There’s a shot of Shia LaBeouf up on Popcorn Overlook,” said Cleaveland. “That one I’m told is noticeable. It’s only there for a few seconds, but if you’re looking for it, you’ll see it.”

The production team spent just over a week in the county last year filming, and the CVB’s Camera Ready Liaison Pam Thompson said they left a significant economic impact on Rabun County.

“One hundred rooms for 9 nights is about $160,000, plus food,” said Thompson. “They filmed on our county roads, they paid county and city for traffic control, they paid security companies, and they paid private land owners for parking and staging.”

Thompson said in addition to all of that, they also had an off day which was spent putting money into this community.