Flags at Half-Staff Across State of Georgia

In a press release yesterday from Governor Nathan Deal’s Office, Gov. Nathan Deal ordered flags across20150721_153947 Georgia lowered to half-staff in honor of Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Skip Wells of Marietta and Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith of Rossville, who were killed when a gunman attacked two military recruitment centers in Chattanooga on July 16.

In the release the Governor is quoted as saying “Sandra and I join millions of other Georgians in mourning the senseless loss of these Georgians and their three fellow American heroes,” he then went on to say, “We honor their memories and recognize the sacrifices made by these military servicemen, and we offer their families our deepest condolences. We lower the U.S. and state flags as a sign of respect and as a reminder to all of the sacrifice it symbolizes.”

Before the order was even handed down by the Governor, the City of Clayton, who’s Mayor, John Bradshaw, is a former Marine, had U.S., State, and Military Flags all lowered and on display in front of City Hall.

Mayor Bradshaw made this comment on the Chattanooga tragedy, “I mean it’s awful, these young men and woman give, you know they sign up to give their lives in service of their country, but they don’t sign up for that. We have got to make sure that we protect these young men and women doing there jobs day to day.”

Flags will remain at half-staff through sunset on July 30.