County Amends SPLOST IGA

The Intergovernmental Agreement for the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax has been amended by all involved parties.

On Tuesday, the Rabun County Board of Commissioners voted to amend the agreement to more specifically list how funds would be spent in the cities of Mountain City, Dillard, Tiger, Tallulah Falls, and Sky Valley, as County Attorney Allyn Stockton said before all of those city’s project were listed under one lump sum.

“What we’ve done is amended them and just broken them out, and said water this much, roads this much, fire this much, there’s no money added or taken it away, its just basically splitting them up.”

In the suit opposing SPLOST, the city of Clayton alleges that the IGA was insufficient due to the lack of specificity, but Stockton said there was no wrongdoing.

“In my opinion they were fine like they were, but they’ve raised this issue so we’re going to address that so it will no longer be an issue,” said Stockton. “The Clayton lawsuit said, ‘y’all have got a problem because of this.’ We’re not saying we had a problem, but we’ll do what you’re saying anyway.”

Stockton said that to his knowledge and their SPLOST attorney’s knowledge, it is legal to amend the intergovernmental agreement in this manner.