Record Early Voting continues in Georgia

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger reports that as the third week of early voting for Georgia’s 2022 primary election continues, Georgia voters are turning out in record numbers across the state. Through Sunday, May 15, over 380,000 people have early voted in Georgia, which is a 217% increase from the same point in the early voting period in the 2018 primary election and a 155% increase from the same point in the early voting period in the 2020 primary election. Georgia has had record early voting turnout since the first day of early voting this year, surging to nearly three times the number on the first day of primary voting in 2018 and double that of 2020, and has continued on that path since.  While reports of lines have been minimal thus far, early voting turnout is expected to increase during the last days of early voting this week.  “The record early voting turnout is a testament to the security of the voting system and the hard work of our county election officials,” said Raffensperger.  “As Secretary of State, I promised to strike a strong balance between access and security in our elections, and these numbers demonstrate that I kept that promise and that voters have confidence in Georgia’s elections.”