Georgia breaks Jobs Records in 2019

The state of Georgia has hit an all-time low for unemployment.  Governor Brian P. Kemp applauded the record job and employment numbers for 2019. Georgia added over 70,000 jobs over the past twelve months, setting a record for total number of jobs at 4.65 million. The 70,000 jobs added include 10,000 jobs in three critical sectors: education and health services; leisure and hospitality; and trade, transportation, and utilities. The state’s unemployment rate also reached another historic low of 3.2%.  “It is a great time to be a Georgian,” said Governor Kemp. “These record-breaking numbers are a testament to what we all know to be true: Georgia is leading the nation in business-friendly government and workforce development. With momentum on our side, we will continue to invest in our citizens and ensure Georgia remains at the top.” The state closed out 2019 with a record-breaking 4.97 million employed residents, which is an increase of nearly 47,000 from 2018.  Georgia’s workforce grew by nearly 18,000, reaching 5.13 million, which is another record high. By the year’s end, Georgia’s unemployment rate settled at 3.2%, which is down 3.7% from the previous year.