Collins Named to Policing Strategies Working Man

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) and Ranking Member John Conyers (D-MI) announced the establishment of a working group to examine police accountability, aggression towards law enforcement, and public safety concerns related to these issues. The bipartisan working group will hold a series of roundtables, starting with a private roundtable in Washington, D.C., to candidly discuss the issues fueling excessive force used by law enforcement and attacks against police officers and will invite outside leaders on this issue to meet with the working group. Congressman Collins, who was appointed to the working group, issued the following statement:

“Recent events in America have brought forth a national discussion on violence, law enforcement, community relations, and accountability. I am honored to be named to this working group, where I will draw upon my life experiences as a Baptist Pastor, an attorney, and the son of a Georgia State Trooper, to help foster a productive dialogue. We are not here to point fingers, but rather to find solutions to the issues that are on the hearts and minds of so many Americans. The tragic shootings of two men last week by law enforcement in St. Paul and Baton Rouge, followed by the five police officers who lost their lives in Dallas, remind us that this kind of violence will not simply go away, and we must face a difficult conversation together as one nation. I thank Chairman Goodlatte and Ranking Member Conyers for their initiative in establishing this group, and I look forward to working with my colleagues.”